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24-Hour Emergency Service

The Main Line’s Premier Service Provider Since 1976


Is Maintenance Necessary If My AC Works Great?

If your air conditioner is keeping your home without even the slightest hint of a hiccup in operation, you may be tempted to skip out on professional AC maintenance this year. Why not save a few dollars instead of spending it on an unnecessary service?

But prioritizing air conditioning service in Wayne, PA, is the best way to KEEP your air conditioner working like a dream. Keep reading to learn more about the difference that professional AC maintenance can make for your home and family. Then give us a call to schedule your service.

When to Schedule AC Maintenance

You should schedule AC maintenance every single year, no matter what. If you just installed a brand new air conditioner, go ahead and schedule maintenance for next year on or around the one-year anniversary. That’s right, even brand new air conditioners need maintenance. 

It’s the best way to ensure that your AC works great both now and into the future. We know it can be easy to forget to schedule this service appointment or simply skip out on it because you think everything is fine. However, we really encourage you to prioritize air conditioning maintenance every single year.

This includes when your unit is older and nearing the end of its lifespan. Maintenance may be the difference in getting one extra season out of your existing unit before having to upgrade it to a newer model. 

What AC Maintenance Does

AC maintenance does exactly what the name implies. It helps to maintain your unit so that it can continue working at a high-level for a longer period of time. Air conditioners have an average lifespan of anywhere between 10 and 15 years. 

AC maintenance is what gets you that extra five years of life out of your unit. Without keeping up with annual maintenance, your air conditioner might last for 10 good years. But with regular care, it can easily last for 15 years and maybe even just a little bit longer.

Risks of Skipping Out on Maintenance

Aside from risking a shorter lifespan, skipping out on maintenance, also means that you run the risk of spending more money over the life of your air conditioner. Without regular maintenance, parts can wear down faster and cause your air conditioner to be less efficient, resulting in higher energy costs.

But it also cost you more by way of repairs. When you don’t invest in maintenance to proactively care for your unit, it will eventually break down. When it stops working altogether, you’ll be forced to schedule a service appointment to fix whatever went wrong. 

Making repairs to broken components inside of your air conditioner almost always costs more than addressing needs as they come up all along through maintenance.

Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. has been the Main Line’s Premier Service Provider since 1976. Call us for all your HVAC needs.

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