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Grade Your AC at the End of Summer!


Each summer, your air conditioning system takes on a heavy burden: keeping your house and family comfortably cool through the heat. It’s easy to take an air conditioning system for granted—a utility that’s always there when you need it—but age and wear eventually overtake any AC. Even the best maintenance won’t keep an air conditioner running forever. 

Now that summer is ending, we recommend you take stock of your air conditioning system’s performance over the season. Think about how well it cooled the house, how dependable it was, if it needed repairs or other services, how much it cost to run, its age, etc. Take all this information, and then give your air conditioner a grade on the standard “A through F” scale you remember from school. Then check our reference guide below.

“A” — An AC in excellent shape

If you give your air conditioning system an “A”, then you likely had zero problems with it. It got the house cool quickly, maintained the temperatures you wanted, cost about the same to run as before, and required no repairs. 

All good! But you want it to keep earning those “A”s, so make sure you keep up with regular maintenance. One of the reasons ACs can get “A”s is because they have professionals keeping them up.

“B” — An AC that’s doing fine, could be better

You didn’t give your AC the top grade, but the second-best. That likely means you had the cooling you needed from it, but something is holding you back from giving it a full 4.0 GPA. What is it? This is important to know, because it can lead you to a possible need for AC repair in Wayne, PA. Strange sounds, the AC shutting off early a few times, a room that was too warm—all possible warning signs to pay attention to. 

“C” — A pretty “meh” air conditioner

Now we’re getting into troubled territory. Your AC is … fine? Okay? Just getting by? None of this is good news, and you shouldn’t try to coast by with a “C”, even if it’s technically a passing grade. There’s room for improvement, and the improvement may be an AC repair you’ve put off for too long. Or you may have neglected regular maintenance. That will get an AC down to a “C” grade fast!

“D” — An air conditioner on the edge of the abyss

A “D” isn’t falling, but it’s super close. If you gave your AC a “D”, you must’ve run into some significant problems with it this summer, like an expensive repair or days when the system couldn’t handle the heat and left larger parts of the house too warm. If the AC is more than 10 years old, you probably need to replace it. 

“F” — As in a failed air conditioner

You need to schedule an air conditioner replacement, and you know it. Fortunately, fall is a good time to schedule it. Call our team and we’ll help you get an “A+” air conditioner for next summer.

Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. has been the Main Line’s Premier Service Provider since 1976. Call us for help with your AC needs.

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