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How Can I Pay Less to Heat My House This Coming Winter?


It’s a fact of life in Pennsylvania: homes need heating systems running during the winter. And heating systems require energy to power them, and energy costs money. As the winter weather settles in, you can expect to see a rise in your utility bills. 

If you come to this post, it’s probably because you think you’re paying too much to heat your house. You’re likely right: we’ve offered HVAC service in Newtown Square, PA for more than 40 years, and we’ve seen the many ways homeowners can inadvertently increase heating costs. 

We’re here to help you overcome unnecessarily high heating charges. We can’t make your heating free, but we can help you not feel so afraid of looking at your monthly utility bills during winter. 

Let’s get started…

MOST IMPORTANT: Always schedule annual heating maintenance

If you have missed out on several annual heating inspections and tune-ups from professionals, we aren’t surprised your utility bills have turned frightening. Maintenance is your most important defense against an inefficient heater, whether a gas furnace, electric furnace, heat pump, or ductless system.

Maintenance cleans and adjusts your heater to prevent wear from causing its efficiency to degrade. When you stick with annual maintenance, you can expect your heating system to retain 95% of its original efficiency rating through most of its service life. (And now is a great time to schedule this service.)

Know how to set your thermostat during the day or night

Steady thermostat settings will help you prevent wasteful heater operation. We don’t recommend you push the thermostat up and down throughout the day. Instead, find the lowest comfortable temperature during the daytime when people are home and stick with it. At night, or when the house is empty, lower the setting a further 8°. Our recommended daytime setting is 68°F. You can save from 5 to 20% off your heating costs with these thermostat settings.

Regularly change the heater’s air filter

If you have a forced-air heater like a furnace or heat pump, the system’s air filter needs regular changes. Every one to three months, take out the clogged filter and put in a clean one. This prevents restriction against airflow through the heater, which will not only cause a drop in heating efficiency, it will also lower heating capacity around the house. 

Use radiant heat from outside

Let the sun in through the windows of your house when possible. The direct sunlight coming through windows brings in natural heat that will help raise indoor temperatures and remove the strain from the heating system. Sunlight is free heat energy—make the most of it! 

Know when you need a replacement heater

Even with stringent maintenance, a heating system will reach an age where it will begin to lose its efficiency, often rapidly. If you have a gas furnace or heat pump that’s more than 15-years-old, a rise in your heating costs is sending you the warning that it’s time for a new system. This is a large investment, but the new heater will start paying for itself with superior energy efficiency. 

Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. has been the Main Line’s Premier Service Provider since 1976. When you need the best heating assistance, call our team.

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