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How Long Does a New Heater Installation Really Take?

The old heater has finally run through its final cycle, and now you need heating installation in Chester. PA–but how long is that actually going to take? What kind of interruption will that play in your day-to-day life?

The answer is never straightforward, and every case is different, but we can tell you what goes into a heater installation, troubles technicians often run into, and give you a pretty good rough estimate of an average installation. Let’s get to it.

There’s the Pre-Installation Appointment

Before we can drop a new heater in, we need to know what we’re working with. A pre-installation appointment sounds like a silly concept, but it’s crucial to the entire installation’s success. This is what we can find during a pre-installation appointment that helps:

  • Ductwork problems at the connection
  • Electrical issues (high voltage where there shouldn’t be)
  • Ventilation problems with exhaust
  • Sizing issues with previous installation
  • Gas line issues or blockages

There’s a lot of potential problems to take into account, and it can be overwhelming. This appointment serves as a time to establish what materials and tools we’ll need to finish the job, and whether or not some unique items need to be ordered or not.

Removing the Old System Takes Time

It’s not as simple as disconnecting everything and just pulling it out on a dolly. Everything needs to be disconnected properly, connections need to be preserved, and this is a stage where your technician might uncover a problem that wasn’t entirely visible during the pre-installation appointment.

Installation Day

Now it’s time to actually install the unit. If everything’s been accounted for, the installation should be started and finished within the same day, if all goes well. However, it depends on what type of heating system you’re installing.

If you’re making the switch from a furnace to a ductless mini split, the installation process is more lengthy and involved. If you’re just replacing your old furnace with another furnace, the whole process is a lot more straightforward.

If you’ve had a home expansion at any point since the last heater was installed, you’ll also need to account for new ductwork and vents to be installed, which will likely extend the installation timeframe.

In an Ideal Situation, it’s a One-Day Installation

Let’s look at an ideal situation, though. It means that your electrical and ductwork connections are great, there’s no need to seal any ductwork, and basically everything is perfect to drop a brand new heater in the old one’s place.

But let’s look at how often ideal situations truly play out. If your heater is old, then the ductwork and connections have likely endured some strain and withering along the way as well. That’s why the pre-installation appointment is so important.

Let’s Take Care of Your Installation

Your heater doesn’t need to take an eternity to install–we provide thorough work, ensure a quality installation, and work as quickly as possible to restore your comfort as quickly as possible.

Contact Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today to schedule your heating installation as soon as possible.

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