You Think You Need a New AC—What Kind Should You Get?

October 19th, 2020

In our last post, we talked about whether the time has come for you to replace your air conditioning system. If you’ve made the choice (possibly with the assistance of our technicians) to install a new AC system, you now must face another question:

What type of AC will you get?

It’s okay to feel confused at the question. You’re probably accustomed to thinking that air all conditioning systems are basically the same, the only difference is how powerful they are. You’re partially correct. Except for evaporative coolers (a.k.a. swamp coolers), which are ineffective in our climate, all air conditioning systems operate by circulating refrigerant from a compressor to move heat from a building and release it outside. 

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Is It Time to Consider Replacing Your AC?

October 5th, 2020

A central air conditioning system is a major investment for a home, one of the vital appliances for day-to-day living during the middle of the year. You want the air conditioning system that keeps your family comfortable every summer to last for as long as possible. Eventually, no matter how well you care for and maintain your air conditioning in West Chester, PA, it will wear down to a point where it is no longer effective and efficient enough to be worth keeping.

Now that it’s fall and you are looking forward to a period of cooler weather, ask yourself if your air conditioning system has reached the finish line and is ready to retire. The fall is a good season to schedule a new installation, so if you believe your AC just had its last summer, arrange for a replacement with our team.

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5 Reasons Your AC Is Unevenly Cooling the House

September 21st, 2020

When you turn on your air conditioner, you expect it to send cooled air to all the rooms in the house attached to the ventilation system. After all, that’s why you have a central air conditioner: to provide cooling all around your house.

But what if you notice the AC isn’t giving your house the even cooling treatment it’s supposed to? You can expect some temperature fluctuations in the house based on room placement, insulation, and window exposure. However, if you find rooms are much hotter than they should be while others are fine (or even too cold), you have a problem with the HVAC system.

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Please Don’t Delay With AC Repairs, No Matter the Time of Year!

September 7th, 2020

Fall doesn’t immediately arrive when it’s September, and even the official start of fall at the end of the month isn’t a guarantee that temperatures will continue to cool down—if they’ve even been cooling down to begin with. But people have a fall mindset that kicks in with September, and unfortunately, that often means neglecting necessary air conditioning repair in Wayne, PA. “Well, I soon won’t need the AC at all, so why should I rush out to have it repaired?” they think.

There are plenty of reasons to make AC repairs a priority as soon as you believe your air conditioner needs them.

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The AC vs. The Heat Pump: Is One Clearly Better?

August 24th, 2020

When choosing between any two different HVAC systems for a home, no single type starts out as automatically the better choice. If this were true, there wouldn’t be a need for a choice in the first place: every home would have that device!

This is true for the distinction between whether you choose to install an air conditioning system or a heat pump in your house. If one were clearly better, you wouldn’t have to choose. But since there are both homes with central air conditioners and with heat pumps, the question of which is better comes down to the situation. If you are considering either an AC or heat pump installation in the next few months, the right choice for you depends on several factors. We’ll look at the pros and cons of these systems to help you get a better sense of what will work best for you.

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Should I Add More Refrigerant to My AC Midsummer?

August 10th, 2020

This is a common question people have regarding their air conditioning systems. The simple answer is no. But we need to explain the answer because the question comes from a major misunderstanding about how air conditioning systems operate. Amateurs and shady contractors can use this misunderstanding to sell people on services they don’t need and which can damage their air conditioning systems.

We have plenty more to say about why adding refrigerant to an air conditioner is only done as a repair, not as a routine service.

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No, You Shouldn’t See Ice on Your Air Conditioner

July 27th, 2020

This a common occurrence for homeowners who have air conditioning: seeing ice forming along the length of your indoor coil and thinking, “Well, that’s not a problem. Why wouldn’t there be ice on something that sends out cold air?”

Except … that’s not how air conditioners work. We understand why people might feel confused, but not only should ice not form on the indoor evaporator coil (or anywhere on the AC), but it’s a sign something is wrong with the AC and it will soon lose cooling power—if not fail completely.

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The Dangers of Short-Cycling

July 13th, 2020

Air conditioners have a problem that we see on a consistent basis. Regardless of whether or not you’ve heard about the term “short-cycling,” we need to talk about what it means and what it could end up costing you. This is a problem that we see plague homeowners and their respective air conditioners because of just how catastrophic the effects can be.

We’re going to talk about what short-cycling is, how it can affect you, and why it so often means that you need professional AC replacement in Malvern, PA. We know that it can be scary to read about something that can be so expensive to fix, but we promise that the earlier you find out if your air conditioner is short-cycling, the better!

Read on and remember to always contact us if you start struggling with an air conditioning problem. We can help!

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Is a Ductless System a Good Idea for My Home?

June 29th, 2020

One of the important services we offer as a Phoenixville, PA, HVAC contractor and the Main Line’s premier service provider is installing ductless mini split heat pumps for homes. Ductless mini splits, also called ductless air conditioning and heating systems, have grown in popularity in the US over the last decade. They’ve been the comfort system of choice in Europe and many parts of Asia for years, and the many advantages they offer make them impossible to ignore as an option for homeowners in North America.

But you’re reading this post because you want to know if installing a ductless mini split heat pump is right for your house. The best way to find out is to go directly to the source: us! We can answer questions you have about ductless installation and discover the best way to see you have the comfort you deserve.

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Rundown on Common Worrying AC Sounds

June 15th, 2020

Air conditioning systems aren’t necessarily “quiet” systems (although advancing technology has reduced the amount of sound they make). You expect to hear several sounds as your home’s AC runs: the fans, the motor powering the compressor, the drip of water from the condensate pan, and the movement of air through the ductwork. It’s an easy set of sounds to become accustomed to until it turns into part of the soundtrack of summer—a soothing white noise for hot days.

Then … something strange interrupts the AC soundscape. Something odd, or loud, or unexpected. Could it be a malfunction in the AC?

It might, and we’re going to look over a few of the more common cautionary sounds you might hear from your air conditioning system. When in doubt, you’ll want to have trained HVAC technicians on the job to see what’s wrong, and what needs to be fixed.

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