How Your Ductwork May Be Making Your Heating Much Worse and More Expensive

February 14th, 2022

There’s nothing worse than being surprised by an unusually high utility bill at the end of the month. When you invest in an efficient heating system, you expect to see the financial benefits for a long time. The trouble is, no matter how good your heater is, problems in the ductwork can cancel out its quality.

Here are five big ways poor ductwork affects your heating system and electric bill. If you spot any of these issues, it’s time to call an HVAC repair service. Let’s break them down.

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Reasons You’re Getting Cold Spots in Your House When the Heater is Running

January 17th, 2022

Thanks to modern HVAC systems, keeping your home warm in the winter has never been easier. The right unit gives you everything you need to keep your space comfortable no matter the weather. But even the best heating units need maintenance. If you’re experiencing cold spots around the house even when your heater is running, that’s probably a sign that it’s due for service.

While the next step is to contact an HVAC professional, being aware of potential issues can remove a lot of stress. So let’s break down 5 common reasons for cold spots around the house.

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Make Sure You Keep Current With HVAC Filter Changes—Here’s Why

January 3rd, 2022

The biggest piece of advice that we can give to any homeowner about their HVAC system is to regularly change its filter. It’s an easy step to do, but also an easy one for people to forget. It might seem like it isn’t a serious problem to leave the filter in place for a few more months, but clogged and dirty air filters are the source of numerous HVAC problems that are otherwise easy to avoid. 

When you schedule any maintenance tune-up with our technicians (heating or air conditioning), they’ll change out the filter as part of the service. They can show you where the filter is located and how to change it—it’s easy, trust us! You will need to do the changes yourself until the next maintenance appointment. We recommend checking the filter monthly to see if it’s fully congested. The filter will need to be changed every 1 to 3 months.

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Some New Year’s Resolution Suggestions (HVAC-Related, Of Course!)

December 27th, 2021

It’s that time of year again—the end of the year! That means many people are beginning to think about their resolutions for the new year. 

We’d like to help! We can provide you with some excellent and easily achievable resolutions that are all about your heating, air conditioning, and ventilation system. With the proper HVAC service in West Chester, PA—which only requires calling Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.—you can have most of your resolutions completed in no time.

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How Long You Can Expect Your Heating System to Last?

December 13th, 2021
analog clock

We often take the heating systems in our homes for granted. We imagine that each winter when we need them, they’ll turn on and deliver the cozy warmth necessary to make winter a joy rather than a burden. Then the heaters shut down for the middle of the year and people stop thinking about them, making it even easier to forget that, well, one day those heaters will fail.

We don’t recommend you allow your home’s heating system to run and run until it completely breaks down. That puts you in a bad position and can even lead to dangerous heater operation right before. We advise you to get ahead of a failed central heater and know when it’s best to schedule a replacement with our Phoenixville, PA, HVAC professionals.

To help with this, we’re going to look into a key question: “How long can you expect your central heater to keep working for you?”

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Beware of This Major Furnace Safety Hazard

November 15th, 2021

We don’t want to act alarmist about gas furnaces, because they’re generally safe options for home heating. Furnace manufacturers build gas furnaces with safety features and must meet strict standards. If you take care of your furnace with regular maintenance each fall, it has little chance of becoming dangerous. 

But we want to bring your attention to a furnace problem that’s the most common cause for a gas furnace becoming unsafe: a cracked heat exchanger. If this happens to your furnace, you’ll either need immediate heating repair in Bryn Mawr, PA or a full furnace replacement.

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How Can I Pay Less to Heat My House This Coming Winter?

November 1st, 2021

It’s a fact of life in Pennsylvania: homes need heating systems running during the winter. And heating systems require energy to power them, and energy costs money. As the winter weather settles in, you can expect to see a rise in your utility bills. 

If you come to this post, it’s probably because you think you’re paying too much to heat your house. You’re likely right: we’ve offered HVAC service in Newtown Square, PA for more than 40 years, and we’ve seen the many ways homeowners can inadvertently increase heating costs. 

We’re here to help you overcome unnecessarily high heating charges. We can’t make your heating free, but we can help you not feel so afraid of looking at your monthly utility bills during winter. 

Let’s get started…

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What Parts Make a Heat Pump Different from an Air Conditioner?

October 18th, 2021

Heat pumps are similar to air conditioners. In fact, air conditioners are technically classified as a type of heat pump. A heat pump is a device that uses the circulation of refrigerant to pump heat from one location to another. In the case of an air conditioner, the system is designed to pump heat in one direction: from inside a house to the outside. A standard heat pump is designed to be able to switch the direction it can move heat so that it operates as both a cooling system and a heating system depending on the setting. 

For a heat pump to work in both modes, it has several features an air conditioner doesn’t have. To help you better understand how a heat pump is able to serve its two functions, we’re going to take a look at what parts make it different from an air conditioner. 

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October Is (Semi) Official Heating Maintenance Month!

October 4th, 2021

Fall starts in September, but the arrival of October is when you can genuinely begin to feel the change in seasons. As people shift over to a Halloween type of mood, the temperatures will also start to cool off. It’s a refreshing change, but it also means that winter is not too far off. 

This is why we think of October as Official Heating Maintenance Month. Or semi-official, because you can also have maintenance done at other times of the fall. We just think October is the ideal time to have it taken care of: right before the holiday rush starts when the weather still isn’t cold enough you need the heater running most of the day.

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Grade Your AC at the End of Summer!

September 20th, 2021

Each summer, your air conditioning system takes on a heavy burden: keeping your house and family comfortably cool through the heat. It’s easy to take an air conditioning system for granted—a utility that’s always there when you need it—but age and wear eventually overtake any AC. Even the best maintenance won’t keep an air conditioner running forever. 

Now that summer is ending, we recommend you take stock of your air conditioning system’s performance over the season. Think about how well it cooled the house, how dependable it was, if it needed repairs or other services, how much it cost to run, its age, etc. Take all this information, and then give your air conditioner a grade on the standard “A through F” scale you remember from school. Then check our reference guide below.

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