Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heater Installation’

Is it Time to Upgrade to a New Heater?

Monday, March 10th, 2025

The winter season is winding down, but that doesn’t mean you can give up on your heater just yet. In fact, if it has been struggling to keep your home warm or you’ve experienced concerning issues, it may be time to invest in a completely new heater. 

Keep reading to learn the signs that it’s time for a heating system installation in Phoenixville, PA. When you’re ready, call our team for your in-home assessment, where we can help you decide if now is the right time to invest in a new heater.

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How Long Does a New Heater Installation Really Take?

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

The old heater has finally run through its final cycle, and now you need heating installation in Chester. PA–but how long is that actually going to take? What kind of interruption will that play in your day-to-day life?

The answer is never straightforward, and every case is different, but we can tell you what goes into a heater installation, troubles technicians often run into, and give you a pretty good rough estimate of an average installation. Let’s get to it.

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