Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Wayne’

Final Reminder: Don’t Shut Down Your AC If It Has Repair Needs!

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

Cooler weather will soon settle in and you’ll stop using the air conditioning system for a few months. It’s a nice relief, especially since we don’t have stern winter weather in New Orleans. In fact, you may be tempted to simply forget about the AC and leave it be until you need it again next year. And this is fine … as long as the air conditioner doesn’t have anything wrong with it. For example, maybe there was some malfunction you noticed that you think you can tolerate until you need the AC back up in full form next year.

If this is the case, if there’s something amiss with your AC, such as odd noises, short-cycling, a drop in cooling power, or strange smells, please don’t let the system go into shutdown mode yet. You have one more job to do: calling us for AC repair in Wayne, PA.

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You Think You Need a New AC—What Kind Should You Get?

Monday, October 19th, 2020

In our last post, we talked about whether the time has come for you to replace your air conditioning system. If you’ve made the choice (possibly with the assistance of our technicians) to install a new AC system, you now must face another question:

What type of AC will you get?

It’s okay to feel confused at the question. You’re probably accustomed to thinking that air all conditioning systems are basically the same, the only difference is how powerful they are. You’re partially correct. Except for evaporative coolers (a.k.a. swamp coolers), which are ineffective in our climate, all air conditioning systems operate by circulating refrigerant from a compressor to move heat from a building and release it outside. 

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Please Don’t Delay With AC Repairs, No Matter the Time of Year!

Monday, September 7th, 2020

Fall doesn’t immediately arrive when it’s September, and even the official start of fall at the end of the month isn’t a guarantee that temperatures will continue to cool down—if they’ve even been cooling down to begin with. But people have a fall mindset that kicks in with September, and unfortunately, that often means neglecting necessary air conditioning repair in Wayne, PA. “Well, I soon won’t need the AC at all, so why should I rush out to have it repaired?” they think.

There are plenty of reasons to make AC repairs a priority as soon as you believe your air conditioner needs them.

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The AC vs. The Heat Pump: Is One Clearly Better?

Monday, August 24th, 2020

When choosing between any two different HVAC systems for a home, no single type starts out as automatically the better choice. If this were true, there wouldn’t be a need for a choice in the first place: every home would have that device!

This is true for the distinction between whether you choose to install an air conditioning system or a heat pump in your house. If one were clearly better, you wouldn’t have to choose. But since there are both homes with central air conditioners and with heat pumps, the question of which is better comes down to the situation. If you are considering either an AC or heat pump installation in the next few months, the right choice for you depends on several factors. We’ll look at the pros and cons of these systems to help you get a better sense of what will work best for you.

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